Hello. This web site is about our family. We were kind of concerned about putting things about our family on the Web. There are a lot of problems in the world today, not to mention on the Internet. But, we feel that our family has something unique to offer the world. We hope that you will find our web site insightful and inspiring.
We’ve spent a lot of time thinking about the material we wanted to include on this site. From time to time we will update or change parts of this site to suite our needs and desires. We will make mention of that on this page. If you experience any technical difficulties navagating this web site because of animated .gifs, just push the stop button on your browser after the page is loaded.
I finally broke down and used the photo album feature to create, well, a photo album. Click HERE to check out the photos.
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Site last updated 3-02-2014. | Contact Me![]() |